DeltaPix DPX M200 Digital 3D Microscope

DeltaPix DPX M200 Digital 3D Microscopeoffers super-high-resolution images, precision measurement, image capture, documentation, and traceable reporting, all at an affordable price. It combines high-quality optics, a robust track stand, and a DeltaPix HDMI or USB3.0 camera. Designed for ergonomic use, it reduces eye, neck, and shoulder strain with a comfortable working distance of 174mm-56mm.


DeltaPix DPX M200 Digital 3D Microscope

  • Configurable

  • 2D Measurement

  • High-speed live video

  • Large field of view

  • Surface Texture ISO 24178 / ISO 4287

  • Super depth of field

  • 3D topography

  • Cost effective

  • 3D measurement

Uncompromising Image Quality

The DPX M200 digital microscope provides super-high-resolution images at an affordable price with all necessary functions for precision measurements, image capture, documentation, and traceable report generation as required by industrial applications. This microscope system is a unique combination of high-quality optics, a high-quality track-stand, and a DeltaPix scientific HDMI or USB3 camera, which makes this system a unique and indispensable tool.


Made for Ergonomic Use

The DPX M200 provides relief to eyes, neck and shoulders. The unique ergonomic design with flexible working distance between 174mm-56mm allows operators to sit comfortably in a good working posture and carry out their optical measurement tasks efficiently.


DeltaPix Build-in Software and PC software

Equipped with a high-quality 20X zoom lens and well-known DeltaPix imaging technology, the DPX M200 delivers high-quality images and precise measurements, allowing the user to inspect intricate details with clarity and without breaking the bank.


Stand-alone operation

Enjoy the convenience of inspection with the built-in software, providing quick and easy measurements and image acquisition without the need for a PC.


Advanced analysis with PC software

Enhance your analysis with the optional PC software, offering advanced features like 3D topography, roughness measurement, and detailed reporting capabilities.


Onboard measurement tools:

  • Concentric circle- Annotation
  • Distance between two lines
  • Angle
  • Distance between two points
  • Three Point Arc – Rectangle
  • Dual crosshairs- Polygon
  • Distance between line and spot
  • Multiple perpendicular lines
  • 3D Topography
  • Coordinate point
  • Crosshairs
  • Multipoint curve and circle
  • Drawing a circle by its center
  • Dimlinear
  • Drawing a circle by two points
  • Multipoint broken line
  • Drawing a circle by three points
  • Parallel
  • Perpendicular line


3D Topography

Extend the visualization and measurement from 2D to 3D.

The DPX M200 system configured with motorized focus, controller, and 3D Topography module to the software, will provide 3D Topography, to display a 3D model of the specimen under observation. Additionally, this feature allows the user to perform 3D measurements and automated extended focus.





• 6 MegaPixel still images
• High-speed video
• Large pixels
• 1/2.8″ Sony sensor
• HDMI, and USB 2.0
• Super sensitive
• Stand-alone



• 8.3 MegaPixel high-quality still images
• High-speed video
• 1/1.8″ sensor
• HDMI, USB 3.0, WIFI, and Ethernet
• 4K video
• Stand-alone


Invenio 10EIII

• 10 MegaPixel high-quality still images
• High-speed video at up to 35 FPS
• High-resolution and crisp colors
• 2/3″ large Sony sensor
• DeltaPix InSight


DPX M200 zoom Specifications with lens
Camera model Function 0.5x 0.75x 1x 1.5x
NA 0.005-0.056 0.008-0.084 0.01-0.112 0.015-0.168
Resolution(μm) 56 μm – 5.2μm 32.5μm – 3.1μm 26 μm -2,3 μm 13 μm – 1-6 μm
Focal depth (μm) 6250μm -80 μm 6000 μm-55μm 5800 μm-44 μm 1600 μm -14.5 μm
Working Distance 174mm 115mm 86mm 56mm
HDMI16MDPX Magnification 11x – 215x 16x – 322x 21x – 429x 32x – 644x
Field of View 56mm x31mm 2.8 mm x1.55mm 37mm x 20.6mm 1.86mm x 1mm 28mm x15.5mm 1.4mm x775μm 18.6mm x10.3mm 933 μm x517μm
H4KFWSD08DPX Magnification 23x – 466x 35x – 700 47x – 934x 70x – 1401x
Field of View 51mm x 28.8mm 2.6mm x 1.44x 34mm x 19mm 1.7mm – 960μm 25.6mm x14.4mm 1.3mm x720 μm 17mm x9.6mm 853 μm x480μm
Invenio 10EIII Magnification 25x – 516x 39x – 774 52x – 1032x 77x-1548x
Field of View 45.7mm x 34mm 2.3mm x 1.7mm 30.5mm x 23mm 1.5mm x 1.1mm 22.8mm x 17mm 1.1mm x 858 μm 15mm x11.4mm 763 μm x572μm



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Please fill in the request form below and one of our engineers will contact you to discuss your system requirements and if we can help, our typical response time is within 1 – 3 working day.